Re: One-armed trucker files $5.5 million lawsuit accusing Oregon of violating his civil rights

Author Subject: Re: One-armed trucker files $5.5 million lawsuit accusing Oregon of violating his civil rights
60 minutes, doctors, lawyers, and the rest are employers there is no help Posted At 13:49:17 06/16/2001
A few years ago the government passed a law that says you cannot sue the
government. GOV- WORKERS will lie manipulate your paper work ECT::
WORKERS ARE now going to be screwed. "WTO" your all going to be double
screwed.......! (permanently blind & no lawyers will help...!) & yet the lawyers know
you cannot win but they take your case & the judges let them knowing full well in the
end there will be nothing for you......! $$$ for the "lawyer" insurers pay the lawyers to
make sure no case set precedence....

good luck......

(permanently blind & no lawyers will help...!)

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