Re: shoulder

Author Subject: Re: shoulder
Lori Posted At 13:37:21 06/19/2001
My fiance had shoulder surgery three months ago and I found out after the surgery that the Dr. said that the pain might never get better and probably would never go away. Now he is having to take more time off of work because he can barely lift his hand again. Before the surgery he saw his regular Dr. and a specialist. They both spent about three months giving him pain medicine and telling him that there is nothing that they can do. Finally after six months they gave him an MRI xray and they still couldn't tell him anything. Finally their last resort was surgery. Well the pain has been just as bad and it was two months before they had him do physical therapy. They are still telling him that the pain will be just as bad for the rest of his life. Why did he even have surgery? It doesn't even seem like they ever knew what was wrong with him. Unfortunately, American Medicine doesn't want to look into alternative therapies for ilnesses and injuries that it can't even explain. And the Doctor's could care less whether you feel good and are taken care of or not. Healthcare in our country mainly benefits our government and Doctors, they collect taxes and make a ton of money for not making patients better. Just so you know, if you live in California you can get acupucture under Worker's comp. Good Luck and don't let those Doctors boss you around. Tell them what they have to do for you. Sorry, though, I would't know what that could be.

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