Re: Independent Medical Doctors

Author Subject: Re: Independent Medical Doctors
Fred Johnson Posted At 12:48:14 03/27/2000
Me too
It is no secret, about IME doctors, if you look at the paper work, before you go to your IME, it will pretty much tell the pseudodoctor what to say in advance.
Something like, please exam Mr. Johnson's accepted conditions, and use your expertise to determine, if his injury is disabling or not. If he brings any documentation, close the exam immedaitely, and call the Appleate Unit.
So you can see, this psuedodoctor is now an expert witness, and you have only certain parts to be considered, even thought you have more problems than the eye can see.
And I'm sure all these guys are the most respected psuedodoctors in Oregon, how do they make a living, treating patients, or identifing the bad guys who want proper medical.
You would be better off to pay your own medical, and slug it out in court.

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