Does being awarded SSD benefits affect Workman's Comp Case?

Author Subject: Does being awarded SSD benefits affect Workman's Comp Case?
L.P. Posted At 10:24:23 06/26/2001
I have been awarded SSD benefits, but am still fighting W/C. They have me set up for yet another IME. This is the 6th one I have been to. As anyone knows, it is damn near impossible to get SSD unless your DEAD or dying OR a paraplegic. I am none of the above, but have mental/physical problems that affect my daily life. Does W/C KNOW when someone is granted SSD? I have an attorney, but he has not done much, as they are still paying me through the private insurance company through MY company I worked for. I know they want to close my claim and my attorney said to "brace myself" back in March as they are getting close to closing my claim. it is still open. This system is the most insidious and insane I have ever encountered. No one knows til you've been through it how corrupt and evil it is. Clearly NOT for the injured worker's benefit. What are my rights in regard to this?? I have written 2 protest letters in reference to the IME'S who performed these. They are sending me to the same 2 IME'S that wrote lies and inaccuracies and I have to travel 20+ miles. I have a friend driving me and is the same one who went with me to see these *2* last year. They were rude and insensitive. Both had tans, like they were in the Bahamas and were dressed VERY casually. THIS is what makes my blood boil about this *system* of insanity!!! L.P.

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