I.M.E. Exam to-day, farce...

Author Subject: I.M.E. Exam to-day, farce...
Julie Winters Posted At 18:24:05 06/26/2001
Copy and send to your mailing lists, and to your clubs. This needs to be stopped right now.
Send to your federal senators NOT, that they will get off their butts.
My address book does not work.
It has not worked in three days.
Are we being shut down by govt. pigs?

To whom it may consern...
IME's are a big farce in the state of
Washington,but then we always knew that.

Today I went to one in Fife,Wash. The Drs. there
were Dr. William Furrer Jr.,Orthopedist; Dr. John
Maxwell,NEurologist; And Dr. Christian Kole,
Psychologist. Dr. Furrer Jr. just asked a bunch of
questions that were pretty dumb, seeing as how he had
my file right in front of him. He already knew the
answers. Then Dr. John Maxwell came in to do the
exam. He wanted me to walk on my toes and Heels. I
told him that I can't walk on my heels and he said I
was walking on my heels whren only my toes will come
off the floor. Then he wanted me to raise my arms
above my head/ My right arm will do anything but the
left one won't raise over half way. He then grabed my
arm and tried to force it up which hurt my sholder and
ribs. I told him to quit, then he tried it again and
almost got hit. Then he wanted me to raise my leg and
bend and turn it in all directions. The right leg wii
do anything but the left one won't. The Dr. then
tried to force my leg to do what he wanted causing a
muscle spasm so bad in my leg and hip he almost got
hit again. After I yelled at him to knock it off, then
he stoped.

Then I went to see the psychologist, Dr. Kole, He
tried to be funny and I didn,t find anything to
humerous at that point in time. He asked a bunch of
questions about my family and my helth. None of which
were any of his business or the business of L&Is
either. /then he tokld me his job was to tell L&I
what he saw in me . He said what he seen was a person
that was not to happy and was in a lot of pain.

Now we will see what these Medical Whores tell
L&I. How much you want to bet that they lie through
their teeth again. Oh well,, I'm hurting and have to
sign off now. Later.
(permission to re-print and send to anyone)
al Re: I.M.E. Exam to-day, farce... (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 09:01:29 06/27/2001

Make sure that you get a copy of each of there reports and any papers that you sighned. good luck
Chris M Re: I.M.E. Exam to-day, farce... (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:49:33 06/27/2001

And I never knew there were Republican lawmakers, greedy inhumane employers, DCBS, MLAC, insurance companies and evil IME's back then.

"It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured."
-- Tacitus (A.D. c. 55–A.D. c. 117)

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