Re: Remember this NO matter what Congress & state officials will never change the law against the EMPLOYER

Author Subject: Re: Remember this NO matter what Congress & state officials will never change the law against the EMPLOYER
Marty Posted At 16:57:15 06/27/2001
Using your math if you DON'T hire a lawyer they'll offer you pocket change (it probably won't cover your illegally unpaid 14 months of medical bills), get no reinbusement for lost wages, no retraining...

OR get a lawyer and get all those $$$$$ medical bills paid, get a pitance but alot more than pocket change, get lost wages, and MAYBE get retraining (after waiting several months with no income), and feel proud that you stood up for your (limited) rights.

P.S. Are you a retired claims examiner? What happened to your promise of exposing the comp system!!

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