Re: Question?

Author Subject: Re: Question?
Thefer Posted At 21:53:56 06/28/2001

Last time i checked the point of getting workers comp means you have to be injured on the job. Which means it has to happpen on the job. Not at home. IF the injury happened at work, then claim it, but with a previous back injury. I would make sure you have a lawyer there. Cause you will be fighting a losing battle. The inital injury or aggravation needs to happen on the job. What i am currious is that after you went to your appt, and he wanted an MRI. You should have asked or requested time off if you can't work. When i had problems with my back at work. A MRI was ordered and i couldn't return till they had seen the results.. Good luck if you get comp, but from what i hear, you are in for one heck of a fight.

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