Re: Methylene Chloride Exposure

Author Subject: Re: Methylene Chloride Exposure
Retired Posted At 18:57:30 06/29/2001
Like I already tried to INFORM most of you people, If you are hurt on the JOB" you do "NOT" want to HIRE a LAWYER! the company you work for will
Immediately denied your claim. The very second you hire a lawyer
YOUR saying a THIRD PARTY IS @ fault (NOT YOUR EMPLOYER) Get the facts before you hire a (Lawyer) NO WAY is a third party @ fault 99.9
percent of the time. The lawyer you hired is not going to say either way he only wants to help the insurance company drop your stupid claim...!

P.S. So as long as you do NOT hire a lawyer the insurance company will only give you what you deserve unless your negligent then you still get nothing...! SO the
story goes only ONLY" hire a lawyer if you know for sure someone else caused your injury....!

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