Re: need advice on what's next

Author Subject: Re: need advice on what's next
kathy tidwell Posted At 19:40:33 07/01/2001
Hello, I am writing for my brother. His index finger on his right hand was partially amputated at work. His middle finger and thumb were also injured. His index finger was reattached and he has had several surgeries to repair the damage, but it is basically just there. No use of the finger, the doctor has said he will never be able to lift over 15 pounds with this hand. He has had to learn to write with his left hand. Workman's comp wants to give him $8,000 for his injury. A co-worker got $18,000 for carpal-tunnel syndrome a few months ago. Is this price pretty much the norm for loss of use of a hand. Thanks for any responses. kathy tidwell

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