Re: Workman's Comp Lawyers

Author Subject: Re: Workman's Comp Lawyers
Marty Posted At 14:04:42 07/02/2001
The comp system has been designed by law in most states to make sure injured workers get inadequate representation. It's because, unlike the insurance company attorneys, injured worker attorney feess are determined by law, the judge, or the equivalent of a state workers' comp board. There are attorneys out there though that will do a much better job for you than others.

Injured worker groups are usually hesitant to recommend one since a good attorney one day may be a bad one the next day. Also the antiworker forces like to say worker advocates are nothing but fronts for claimant attorneys (total BS) kind of in the same context that a worker can have a 2,000 lb rack fall on their back at work, be rushed by ambulance to the hospital with severe injuries only to have the insurance company deny the claim saying the injury wasn't job-related. Believe me I know of similar cases where this has happened.

I'd suggest visiting the Alaska Injured Worders Alliance at

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