Re: Another thing most workers should consider (your

Author Subject: Re: Another thing most workers should consider (your
Stormy Posted At 09:03:59 07/03/2001
Spoken like a true insurance man retired!!! There ya go, double the insurance policies on the same person. Interesting how my employer is responsible by law to maintain a workman's comp insurance policy and you advising that I get my own. Wow, the insurance companies can make double the money then. And not to mention the even more complicated battle that will insue should I actually file a claim. The insurance companies will argue for years as to which one is responsible to pay. You must think everyone in this world is stupid and can not see what you are up to!! You are the biggest fraud I have ever encountered in my life!! I urge everyone visiting this forum to ignore your postings and advice!!
PS I see you did not have the nerve to respond to my response in Bob's posting, aka Stressed in IL. Can't face the truth head on?? Go away retired!!!

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