Re: The Patients' Bill of Rights according to AOI

Author Subject: Re: The Patients' Bill of Rights according to AOI
Kay Posted At 01:14:26 03/31/2000
I spoke with Richard Butrick today by telephone regarding his letter to
the Editor. He was complaining that it had taken a month to get it
printed. I told him that I couldn't get any of mine printed and ask him
what his secret was. I asked him where he got his information about the
"sue your employer" provision and he couldn't tell me, except he thought
it was in one of the bills past by Congress. He is either intentionally
putting out false, misleading statements or he is ignorant as to what these
bills contain. Of course, the scare tactics are predictable. It is the
sort of thing we are used to hearing from the "repugnantcans" when any
major,progressive legislation that improves the lives of ordinary people
gains wide spread support. We know that our insurance premiums will go up
independently of our ability to sue HMOs. He thinks the independent external
review will "give consumers what they want". As I explained to him, not if
"independent" means paid for by insurance companies as in the present workers'
comp system.


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