Re: If all of you workers write to the W/C board & ask for your

Author Subject: Re: If all of you workers write to the W/C board & ask for your
Rick Posted At 01:25:24 07/06/2001
Why do you tell people it's hard to get records?
My lawyer, yes lawyer, and you shouldn't be telling them they don't need a lawyer either.
I'm an injured worker and have NOT had any problem with records. Your lawyer can easily get records from doctors, employers, and insurance company. Records are only a problem if you have a hole in your head.
And if you are seriously injured and don't get a lawyer, well then don't complain later. If you need surgery do you do it you're self? NO. So don't try to navigate through the W/C System without a lawyer. 12% is a drop in the bucket, compared to what you can loose.

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