Re: second opinion coming up on Wednesday

Author Subject: Re: second opinion coming up on Wednesday
Denise Posted At 10:25:30 07/06/2001
Hi. How is it similar? Because of what the doctor did? I finally found some things on the web about the doctor I am to see, and at least it looks like he knows his stuff. I have been thinking about writing up a report on what has been going on with what activities I am no longer able to do, when exactly I have the most pain, what happened after I saw the last doctor, etc. Anyone think this is ill advised? I would be giving it to the new doctor, as the forms they have you fill out don't really leave you room for a lot of information. Plus, if I write it out before hand, I won't be forgetting anything. I have been keeping a pain diary.....should I make a copy for the doctor?

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