I seen my Personal Physician & Chiropractor Can I still see a workers comp Dr?

Author Subject: I seen my Personal Physician & Chiropractor Can I still see a workers comp Dr?
Lori Posted At 19:04:13 07/10/2001
I knew my tendenitis was flaring up again I could feel it coming on I warned my employer that he needed to get me off the quick check You get alot more heavy items thru that register and you have no box help either i told him the sale of the cases of water and 30 pack beer were killing my arm well they didnt listen I treated myself for the tendenitis because I 've had it before Im a grcoery Checker for 18 yrs so i know well this was the first time it had traveled up my arm to my shoulder and into my neck Im a mess. Im still working askingfor my bosses to work with me I told them I had gone to see my own Dr. that I didnt file under workers comp. But as the weeks have gone by they keep scheduling me to work on the quick check regardless what I have told them i told them I would appreciate them taking me serious because if i dont get better i will have to see there Dr. I hope i havent messed myself up

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