Re: I

Author Subject: Re: I
db55 Posted At 15:28:06 07/11/2001
First off I am not "Watchdog" and have no connection with him or her. As for "Retired" it is interesting to note that when someone attempts to make intelligent conversation with someone like you the first reaction is to tell them to F#CK off. Did I ever personally act you? No. I agree that not all insurance carriers or adjusters are on the up and up but in the same vein not all of them are out to "screw" the injured employee. I firmly believe the workers compensation act is self executing for all parties. I handle claims in Florida and personally I think the rating system does not benefit the injured employee. The problem is I did not write the statute but only work within it. The problem is the legislation. They are the ones that write and approve the statutes not you and I.

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