
Author Subject: db55sam123oldtimer
reb Posted At 22:13:26 07/11/2001
a little compasion goes a long way, don't take things so personal.
thoes of you in the industry should only have the right to assist the
injured to recovery but when you let retired get to you it probably
puts you in the state of mind where you cause harm to your charges.
adjusters are like social workers, only too many think of themselves as hit
db55 Re: db55sam123oldtimer (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 15:17:45 07/12/2001

Reb....Believe me Retired doed not get to me. Regardless of his opinions I handle each of my cases the same. I firmly believe that the workers compensation acts are designed to be self executing and my job is to pay the benefits that are due. I do what ever is within my power and the framework of the law to assist those injured to recovery. I have had bigger call me worse and continue to do what I do everyday.

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