Re: workers compensation carriers

Author Subject: Re: workers compensation carriers
db55 Posted At 15:34:39 07/12/2001
I do not know who wrote the previous post but it wasn't me. That is evident by the fact I have admitted that I am and adjuster and I am not PTD.
To whoever did post this I am glad you are able to win at your hearings. What I am saying is that not all adjusters/carriers treat their injured employees the way you have been treated. I am only asking that you do not categorize us. I for one do approve the legitimate requests that are received as allowable by law. I do not catergorize all claims I receive as fraud. As a matter of fact the majority of my claims are legitmate. I have numerous PTD claims and have gone as far as remodeling bathrooms, purchasing transportation, and modifying homes when medically necessary.
I hope ypur condition improves and keep up the good fight. I hate to hear stories of carriers/adjusters who do not live up to the statutory obligations as required. They are the ones that make the rest of us look bad.

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