Re: why is this so difficult

Author Subject: Re: why is this so difficult
Retired Posted At 14:52:19 07/13/2001

This is the way workers compensation works, the employer for one is not under oath
& another thing they "WILL" pay your medical but you will have to prove your
(tailbone injury and also a herniated disc) happened on the "JOB" I will say this
unless you (video tape your life 24/7 on the "JOB" or, have a ton of witness your
screwed..."PERIOD" this is it
back injuries are the type of injury that by STATE LAW is considered a PTD
injury that in most states payable for a maxim 5 years most employers try to cut off
after 2 years.

P.S. PEOPLE start video taping yourself on the job.

P.S. You will have your day in COURT "HEARING".... Until then "YOU" have
brought the claim. You really do have to prove it happened on the "JOB"... NOW
lets say you are
Dismembered on the JOB no problem money every 29 days BUDDY.... retraining
would call 2 months later depending on the type of injury could be 2 years
later???? before you could retrain
Retired Re: why is this so difficult (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 14:58:48 07/13/2001

"LOOK" people, ONCE you file a claim the EMPLOYER is in contact with every TOM D*CK & harry. PI, video taping your *SS ECT:

P.S. This means you have to do the same "BEFORE" you ever get hurt 24/7 PEOPLE... Start video taping yourself on the "JOB" "JOB" JOB..................................................PERIOD.

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