Hey to prove my point on one subject: IF you hurry before they change it back check it out..! those who BELIEVE......

Author Subject: Hey to prove my point on one subject: IF you hurry before they change it back check it out..! those who BELIEVE......
Retired Posted At 22:07:33 07/13/2001

Just before I posted my story on death & dismemberment, I went to www.aigdirect.com to see if they still offered AD&D policies in ALASKA. They
did, I went to the site everyday after I posted my story, then today I
log back on @ www.aigdirect.com to see if "THEY" (AIG) still offered their
policy in ALASKA. "A NEW PAGE LOADED & SAID were sorry AD&D is not offered
in your state. "NOW" isn't that Interesting humm>!?? spies on this BOARD

P.S. I then called them by "PHONE" they said that they temporally did not offer it in my state. SORRY INSURANCE SPIES I GOT YOUR # it's on this
you cannot fool me *SS wipes.......PERIOD
Harvey Re: Hey to prove my point on one subject: IF you hurry before they change it back check it out..! those who BELIEVE...... (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 00:14:31 07/14/2001

good one retired
db55 Re: Hey to prove my point on one subject: IF you hurry before they change it back check it out..! those who BELIEVE...... (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 08:39:34 07/14/2001

Retired....Did you by chance ask them why they did not offer it any more? I don't think one raving lunatic like yourself is going to change a company as large as AIG's decision to do business.

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