Key word to this paragraph is "omitted" now that you have seen it already look @ it again "JACK" the Insurer is pissed..! todays lesson as always is learn how to "DECIPHER" law.....!

Author Subject: Key word to this paragraph is "omitted" now that you have seen it already look @ it again "JACK" the Insurer is pissed..! todays lesson as always is learn how to "DECIPHER" law.....!
Retired Posted At 09:24:26 07/14/2001
Payment of Death & Dismemberment

(1)Any of the provisions or portions of provisions set out in (b) of this section that are not applicable by reason of the plan of insurance may, to the extent inapplicable,
be omitted from the policy. The insurer shall reserve the right to defer the payment of a cash surrender value for a period of six months after demand has been made on
the policy surrendered.

o·mit (ô-mĭt')
tr.v., o·mit·ted, o·mit·ting, o·mits.

P.S. To fail to include or mention; leave out:

P.S. now lets write this again using the P.S. statement instead of (omitted)

Payment of Death & Dismemberment

(1)Any of the provisions or portions of provisions set out in (b) of this section that are not applicable by reason of the plan of insurance may, to the extent inapplicable,
be omitted ( To fail to include or mention ) from the policy. The insurer shall reserve the right to defer the payment of a cash surrender value for a period of six months after demand has been made on
the policy surrendered.

P.S. SEE how they twist so the average "JOE" will never see.

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