within this state is key "WORD" MISDEMEANOR...???? no money here...!$$$ tuff love..! all I can say is do "NOT" get on one (scaffolding ) in CLITFORNICATION

Author Subject: within this state is key "WORD" MISDEMEANOR...???? no money here...!$$$ tuff love..! all I can say is do "NOT" get on one (scaffolding ) in CLITFORNICATION
Retired Posted At 12:35:54 07/14/2001
7156. Any person employing or directing another to do or perform
any labor in the construction, alteration, repairing, painting, or
cleaning of any house, building, or structure within this state is
guilty of a misdemeanor who does any of the following:
(a) Knowingly or negligently furnishes or erects, or causes to be
furnished or erected for the performance of that labor, unsafe or
improper , slings, hammers, blocks, pulleys, stays,
braces, ladders, irons, ropes, or other mechanical contrivances.
(b) Hinders or obstructs any officer or inspector of the Division
of Occupational Safety and Health attempting to inspect such
equipment under the provisions of this article or any law or safety
order of this state.
(c) Destroys or defaces, or removes any notice posted thereon by
any division officer or inspector, or permits the use thereof, after
the equipment has been declared unsafe by the officer or inspector.

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