Re: Listen up Workers Comp Carriers, How many more of us have to end up like this.

Author Subject: Re: Listen up Workers Comp Carriers, How many more of us have to end up like this.
lynda Posted At 12:15:45 04/10/2000
omg...i can see this very thing happening to me! i have so much empathy over your situation, and i hope by now you are doing somewhat better. such injustice in this system we are forced to deal with. i believe in my heart, what goes around will eventally come around, and these monsters and beauracrats will get what's coming to them...maybe not in our is disheartening to think everything revoles around money and greed, how unfortunate.i am just beginning to go through the system and i am stressed, depressed and have anxiety attacks daily. my blood pressure has gone up and i am filled with anger and a sense of hopelessness. i try to be positive, but it's damn hard going through this process, when you know they're premise is to break you. and they don't care. we must all fight this system because if we don't precious lives will be affected...forever!!

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