Re: READ: the main page THEME ......! Jack*SS

Author Subject: Re: READ: the main page THEME ......! Jack*SS
Walt Posted At 06:24:02 07/18/2001
In religious affairs, to put the conscience of another upon the spit and roast it to a
nut-brown discomfort

What people call insincerity is simply a method by which we can multiply our

On a final note, each insurance company has it's own specific definition of
disability. This is an incredibly important factor in choosing policies. In
general, insurance companies define disability as the inability to perform the
insured's OWN occupation. However, other companies require for the
insured to not be able to perform ANY occupation in order to receive
disability income benefits. The ramifications of this can cause a person
incapable of their occupation to be forced to change job fields rather than
receive benefits from the disability income policy.

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