Re: Key players excluded from workplace-injury hearings

Author Subject: Re: Key players excluded from workplace-injury hearings
Denny Posted At 16:14:42 07/22/2001
That is why you need to make sure like retired said. Treating doctor
has to file each and every report, Insurance company will contact
doctors "------". "------" will tell him "---" not to file reports if you, do not ask him to file
reports. Make sure doctor is filing reports, then next step your doctor or
insurance/employer will get you to the IME, those records "ARE" filed every time.
because they, second opinion can "---" you will have to prove gross negligence in order
to sue. It's never
been done, so you the worker loses.

p.s. So remember if nothing can be done by the 1st (doctor) for your injury, you do not
have to go to a second opinion. thats a "fact" opinions are just that " opinions there not
for treating. Also they/you know who, always will send you to a board certified doctor
in the beginning..! second opinion is the terminator..

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