Injured workers continued continued

Author Subject: Injured workers continued continued
reb Posted At 10:04:22 07/25/2001
did not mean to offend you.
if you need help get help.
i got mine out of books.
handled my case with out a lawyer.
it can be done.
your defence of lawyers is very strong. it gives one pause.
you say maby 1 in 25 million lawyers may be a crook, i would only ask
"what planet are you from?"
i'm sure the majority are honest.
a wc lawyer would have to handle more then twice the case load of a tort
lawyer to make the average wage, what does that tell you about quality.
it seems you had a great lawyer, you should share this lawyer's name with
thoes injured in need.
pleses tell me how you ever got the impression that i think someone is out to
get me?

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