Problems with 801 form

Author Subject: Problems with 801 form
Webmaster Posted At 11:51:09 05/13/2000

This was e-mailed to Workplace Injured
Thanks Mike.

Fellow coalition members,

The 801 form is the first report of injury. It looks like we should always
make sure that employers give us the long form of the 801 form, after
injury. Never accept the short form. The law says that no specific form is
necessary to file a claim, by the way.

The "short form" looks like something that promotes more litigation, which
is not something that DCBS should promote. It is an unfair form, if WCD
doesn't requires more than the worker getting a copy of the short form. The
short form is the short end of the stick, leaving out much of the
employer's allegations. The long form provides much more information about
the employer's allegations.

Again, don't accept the short form.

If you know about specific abuses from this form, please talk to the
Injured Workers' Ombudsman.
Maria Carraher, Workers' Compensation Ombudsman ............ 378-3351
Fax: (503) 373-7639
Independent advocate for injured workers

I recommend that we ask for explanations about the possible unfairness to
workers of the 801 short form, from these DCBS officials.

Mary Neidig, Director ............ 378-4100
Fax: (503) 378-6444
Department policy, budget, and planning
Insurance Commissioner

Deborah Lincoln, Deputy Director ............ 378-4100
Fax: (503) 378-6444
Department policy, budget, and planning

Meg Reinhold, Executive Assistant for Policy ............ 378-4100
Fax: (503) 378-6444
Legislation and policy analysis

Steve Corson, Exec. Asst. for Public Services and Information ...947-7868
Fax: (503) 378-6444
Public information and media relations

John Booton, Small Business Ombudsman ............ 378-4209
Fax: (503) 373-7639
Independent workers' compensation advocate for small business

Oregon OSHA
Peter DeLuca, Administrator ............ 378-3272
Fax: (503) 947-7461
Workplace safety and health
Oregon Safe Employment Act
Training and prevention

Workers' Compensation Board
Maureen Bock, Chair ............ 378-3308
Fax: (503) 373-1684
Workers' compensation hearings

Workers' Compensation Division
John Shilts, Administrator ............ 947-7500
Fax: (503) 945-7514
Workers' compensation claims and benefits regulation
Injured worker programs
Caroline Re: Problems with 801 form (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 18:18:52 06/07/2000

A spot of good news. The new people who attended our Sunday meeting and had not yet filed for WC were informed of this. Sure enough, the employer went short form until they spoke up and said "no", nothing but the long form. They got the long form. Hey, first victory and a way of showing employers we are out here educating. (I'd love to have seen the face of the employer when confronted) They ARE going to get the message folks. See what you can learn at a Sunday meeting?

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