Re: Workers Comp:The real story.

Author Subject: Re: Workers Comp:The real story.
C. Strouse Posted At 12:25:43 05/29/2000
here is another idea also that was submitted on another injured worker board, the only bad thing is you have to watch the show to do it but if we can hit the network where it hurts with complaints, I think it is a brilliant idea. Thanks pipesmoker for your input.Here is a copy of the letter I am sending to the sponsors of this show. I urge each and everyone of you to write them. NBC , like our politicians only have one thing in mind; how far they can line their pockets.

On Monday 5/30/00, DATELINE - NBC ,chose to air a repeat story on WC fraud, which paints, not only a very negative picture of injured workers but is blatantly untrue. The original airing of this show has been the cause of the recent changes in the WC laws from state to state that has devastated the injured workers and their families. Sadly ( Company name here) chose to sponsor this irresponsible reporting. I wish to inform you I will no longer be purchasing your products. I am sending a copy of this letter to all of the injured workers websites so they may know the type of programming your company supports. I will also urge them to boycott your products as well.


(your name and addy here)

C. Strouse

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