Alternative ways to find out doctors background

Author Subject: Alternative ways to find out doctors background
Concerned Daughter Posted At 13:00:25 05/31/2000
I have gone to and and they don't give you much to work with unless you pay them money to find out the background on a specific doctor. Is there any other web sites I can check out without having to pay money? Isn't this public information? Shouldn't it just be free?
Joe B. Re: Alternative ways to find out doctors background (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 20:33:01 05/31/2000

State Medical Associations or Boards are in charge of keeping that data. They have a real bad tendency to cover-up for bad doctors.
What state are you in?
If its Oregon you should know that if a doctor is under investigation they can voluntarily give up their licsence and all proceedings are stopped.

Here's a link that has a list by state:

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