
Author Subject: Tears
C. Strouse Posted At 13:18:21 05/31/2000
Good afternoon all,

This morning as I was rooting through my piles of research on my computer, I found somthing unexpected. I clicked on it, read it, then cried. Who says worker's compensation does not effect the whole family. The following piece was written by my 13 year old daughter, whom of which writes poems and short stories.


Once vibrant, full of life filled with high expectations, dreams of the future;

Shattered within a moment, no notice of what was to lay ahead.

Work, work, work. Love your job give 100% plus more;

Yet to find when you become injured on the job, it is almost clear to say life once known, will forever change with a rapid sweep as a fleeting memory once galore.

As I sit back and ponder;

Of the once total person I knew, now devastated through piles of bureaucracy.

I have to wonder;

The things that were taught to me of history were pure hypocrisy.

A woman, whom was educated, talented, giving, trusting filled with hopes and dreams;

Now lives each day as a challenge, to begin each day anew.

A woman whom supported her family, friends, and others;

Now faces life’s simple challenges each morning awaiting the clue.

Although disabled through her injury; she seeks truth and justice;

Searching for the answer that has been denied her.

The people, who were set to help her, further her decline deeper;

The worker compensation group fuels lies and deceit here.

Reaching out to others, who may help or not, to hear her story upon deaf ears;

The people who were elected in by the people; turning their noses.

The constitution reads, We the People; I assumed was written for the people,

I come to find those words have no meaning, they are in jest for no proposes.

Our lawmakers forgot about the Constitution of the United States;

They choose to represent those of great wealth.

Our forefathers stood for equal rights of the common man;

Not to buckle into Corporations with their non-ethical stealth.

I pray each evening to bring one day free of pain for my mother;

To pray for these immoral people’s souls and ask that they be forgiven.

I pray that someone will listen to the pain, agony, frustration, of other workers;

To pray, that the Lord above will answer my prayers and be acted upon by heaven.

Dedication to my mom for her long fight,

Mary Mc.

C. Strouse, ps I love you Mary.

Tarzan Re: Tears (Currently 1 replies)
Posted At 14:02:58 05/31/2000

You have a talented loveing kid, good for you.
Caroline Re: Tears (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 16:49:48 06/13/2000

Bless your daughter and her love for you. I too am lucky to have a family where at least half care deeply and the other half I must forgive for lack of understanding. Bless you all.

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