Re: IMEs'

Author Subject: Re: IMEs'
Tarzan Posted At 15:42:38 06/01/2000
I've now had 4 IME exams, only once did I see patients other than IME, second opinion type patients.
They say right on their report, there was no doctor, patient relationship, sought or obtained.
Also when you get your paper work to see the pseudodoctor, it says they, want them to use their expert opinion.
And examine the excepted conditions, when you are trying to get more things excepted.
And they are not beyond making things sound vague, or an outright lie, to make the insurance company's position seem better.
Not only by my own experience, but read the Workman's Comp. Board and Administrative Law Judges Decisions. This also seems vague, there is a lot more than meets the eye.
And an IME pseudodoctor, doesn't have to be right, he has immunity to say what ever the insurance company wants to hear.
The last exam I was on, there was about 4 pages I didn't get to see at all.
The IME doctor, Radecki appologised, for all I've been threw. But it is quite clear, they are told exactly what to say.
Upon seeing Corvel, another IME set of pseudodoctors, they had the look of disgust on their faces, it was 2 months and 1 week after bilateral carpal tunnel, combined with bilateral distal ulnar resection.
Which is the most painful thing you can imagine. And of coarse my strength was still 5 X 5, when I could barely use my hands at all. I had to put braces on my hands, just to get to the exam. I couldn't pronate, supenate. Which is palms down, palms up. Which they did make note of.
The real problem with these exams is, it gives the insurance company an excuse to close your claim. Once this is accomplished, then it is your burden of proof, to prove they closed your claim early.
There again, look at the Board Decisions, and you will see case after case, where the victim lost.
When your case is first accepted, they might say such as in my case, right elbow fracture, they know and are prepared to denie. That there are a whole lot of other problems associated with, an elbow fracture.
Read the Wheeless Text of Orthropedics, and Nershels Sports Medicine, they talk in doctors language, all about the other problems associated with elbow and wrist. How to fix, by the cook book. And case studies on the outcome of different procedures.
And don't forget about starvation litigation. They'll starve you out until you accept some small portion of what your claim is really worth.
And you are right, they don't look at your x-rays. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't know what to look for.
And you will see the same pseudodoctors poping up, time after time, read the board decisions, it's boring but you might just find the case which is very simular to your own.

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