Re: Back injury on job/required surgery

Author Subject: Re: Back injury on job/required surgery
BobK Posted At 22:12:14 06/01/2000
I think you're wrong about the voc rehab. Arizona does provide it.
See this site for more:

Since you say CIGNA is treating you well I asssume you are getting your
TTD benefits while recovering from surgery?

I'm not in AZ, but did a quick check and I see that AZ uses a "statutory schedule" to
calculate the amount of the (permanent partial disability) settlement you
mentioned. This MAY make things simpler and an attorney MAY not be required. If you
do use one, AZ wc law says he gets up to 15% of your benefits as his fee. (This is less
than many states.) Generally speaking, a good lawyer can help you receive more in benefits than
you could receive on your own, and the 15% is worth it.

One area to be aware of is your impairment rating--if AZ uses them (not all states do).
In other words, if you reach MMI and are released to work with restrictions, and a
doctor evaluates you and gives you an impairment rating (expressed as a percentage),
that rating determines the amount of your settlement. The ratings given
are notoriously low. A good wc lawyer can steer you to an honest doctor
for a more accurate rating, and therefor a bigger settlement.

An experienced lawyer may also point out additional benefits you are
entitled to--such as voc rehab.

You can get to AZ wc info online by going to, choosing "state resources,"
Arizona, and then choosing "cases and codes," or searching for "workers'

Best wishes.

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