Finally to work, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.

Author Subject: Finally to work, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.
Tarzan Posted At 21:46:21 06/08/2000
800 different contacts, a stack of coverletters more than 3 inches high.

Pozzi Log at over 100 pages, 90 letters of thanks but no thanks.

Finally got a job, $30,000 per year, not bad unless you made $50,000.

Before you got hurt.

Better than a sharp stick in the eye.

And I suppose maybe now the lawyer can reach some kind of settlement,

and get back the $50,000 that I am owed in Back timeloss and my own medical


Maybe now I can think about what the price of the next big job is, insted

of obsessing about how bad I'm getting screwed.

Good Luck Everyone.
Kay Re: Finally to work, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go. (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 18:43:15 06/09/2000

Good Luck Tarzan. Keep in touch.

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