Re: WA state: IME by DR Bidgood

Author Subject: Re: WA state: IME by DR Bidgood
Edward Posted At 14:18:03 06/28/2000
Ok! This is the last posting today.
As you can see Oregon has dropped steadily during the 90's in Rankings of Serious Doctor Disciplinary Actions By State Medical Licensing Boards.

Also remember that Oregon officials like to manipulate data to their political advantage (the huge WC premium decreases during the 90's don't include rebates during those years) so Oregon is probably a lot lower in the barrel.

The lower the number the better.

1998 Rank 31
1997 Rank 28/29
1996 Rank 29 (Oops!, they came back from the paid 52 wk vacation)
1995 Rank 16 (Was the regular staff replaced by temps for the year?)
1994 Rank 20
1993 Rank 22/23
1992 Rank 24
1991 Rank 14

These were found at

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