Re: The Truth

Author Subject: Re: The Truth
Pamela Wimp Posted At 12:11:42 07/08/2000
Mr. Williams,
If you are such a private investigator....Try investigating the entire Workers' Comp. system instead of crucifying Ernie... Ernie is not the person that started this damned mess...Kitzhaber, Mannix and Derfler are the people behind destroying the working people's lives and families!!!
Ernie Delmazzo has worked very hard to try to expose this unjustful system...He alone is not the only person working on this...We as injured workers are tired of being traded for the highways and the salmon in this state....We are not pons one can throw away...We do have rights, and lives...We are trying to get back what is rightfully ours...Our lives...We did not vote these people into office to condem us...In fact we voted for them to protect us...NOT to put money into their pockets, by playing games with our lives.....Go ahead and investigate, If you can find the real truth, then maybe you will recant on your thoughts!!!!

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