Re: The Truth

Author Subject: Re: The Truth
Mac Williams Posted At 19:26:03 07/08/2000
"Freelance" means that no, no one hired me. I began investigating this matter when I read a front-page story about Delmazzo's efforts to destroy a legislator.

The problem with your mentality is that you tend to position yourselves as victims, and use that politically to your advantage. It is obvious that Delmazzo is up to something. The guy sent emails to all the papers in the state. The Eugene Guard Register is going to run a story. It is obvious that he is making himself a political force by posing as a victim to gain newspaper sympathy.

I have browsed some of the comments in here and many about state legislators are slanderous, bordering on character assassination. That, to me, is appalling. You seem to hate Republicans in general--did I mention that Ernie is one himself? According to most sources he is fairly well to do, probably better off than many of you.

For now, the research continues.

Mac Williams

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