Re: Timeframe between actual injury and filing a WC claim?

Author Subject: Re: Timeframe between actual injury and filing a WC claim?
SCM Posted At 17:59:17 07/14/2000
Thanks Chris.

I'm not sure what you mean by "filed." My supervisor and I filled out the accident report together, which he keeps on file in his office. What happened with that report from that point on, I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Fortunately, my boss is a good guy - very supportive, etc...
which is more than I can say for our W/C insurer. It'll be 4 weeks this Tuesday since I was hurt (thoracic strain, not the collapsed vertebrae)
and still no check. My insurer's rep was dumbfounded when I finally did get past her voicemail and actually talked to her.

Anyhow, looks like I need to find a good lawyer and call the Ombudsman on Monday.

Thanks again for the advice!

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