Re: Even I was Blown Away

Author Subject: Re: Even I was Blown Away
J.John Posted At 10:33:33 07/18/2000
Tarzan.....just when you think it was safe to go back in the water.....I have been amazed at this whole process of dealing with suits that have never worked labor jobs, never had a hungry day and never doubted their own talents and abilities. Suits whose children will run this country someday and they learn so young the sins of their fathers but don't learn by their mistakes only follow their example.
I wish I had the words and ability to stand and convince the suits that they are so wrong in their judgements of injured workers, to make them realize how much of our self esteem is damaged by continual denial of our claims. I am one voice of many and i know each time i tell my story to working labor friends who are suffering pain related to their jobs they are now documenting all contacts with managers, supervisers etc. Public awareness is #1 priority for most of them . THey tell one person and its passed down the line....anyway I wish you the best now that you"ve been through the worst. I am waiting for final outcome of my review....from there I don't know where I'll go if they deny me again...onward and upward.. Judy John.

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