Re: Even I was Blown Away

Author Subject: Re: Even I was Blown Away
Tarzan Posted At 21:24:52 07/18/2000
This is an extension of my denial when I first went to Dr. Cook.

To back up his opinion of my complaints. He had me see two other doctors, one being a nerve conduction study.

As I recall it was accepted for me to see Dr. Jamison. The nerve guy.

Apparently nothing matters as much as the almighty dollar.

God only knows I can afford my coverage more than great benifit, wouldn't want them to take any money out of savings to pay for pills or doctors visits.

They need all the money they can get to pay for IME exams.

As far as private health insurance, I haven't had any since a year after I fell. We didn't think $260 a month was justified sence we never used the coverage anyway. Who would have thought at that time we would have been compelled to pay for my own cosmetic, preexisting, old-age related had nothing to do with my fall of Sept. 95.

I paid Dr. Cook before my sugery to do carpal tunnel on both hands, and do a distal ulnar resection all at one time. And of coarse Great Benifit, didn't have anything to do with that. After all the IME doctors said my problems were consistant with my age, now 51. And clearly I was born with naturally long Ulna's. Some people are born that way. Funny ONE.

So after sugery I was billed for X-rays and doctor visits, for carpal tunnel denial, even though we were still doing follow-up on my recent Elbow Arthro-plasty. ( which is reshaping the bone in my elbow, radial head.) A resection is taking 6mm off the end of the right Ulna, and 3mm off the end of the left Ulna. Pain on a scale of ONE to TEN is a FIFTEEN. Certainly more than $8,000.

Hopefully I will be reimbursed at some point, isn't that what the WAR is all about.

I told Dr. Jamison's bookeeper to go ahead and bill me, that I wouldn't stiff her. And the doctor is not a Bank. I don't recall going to a doctor without signing something saying, I'll pay if the insurance company doesn't. Liberty NW is Great Benifit. Just so they get free advertising.

I'm sure they need all the free advertising they can get. More money for lawyers and IME visits.

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