Re: Injured Workers Conference, Saturday, July 22, 2000

Author Subject: Re: Injured Workers Conference, Saturday, July 22, 2000
Rick Posted At 04:57:30 07/20/2000
yes, I'm interested in finding out if you now how I could find a support group in my area for injured workers, or somthing of the same as your injured workers conference in my area for myself and others, the Florid State laws are not for the true injured workers and I need to get something like this started in my area in Winter Haven, Florida. the company that I worked for need to be stop they have at least 5 to 10 injuries on a by-monthly bases, and to me osha isn't doing anything about it and the company is buying people off. So how do we go about stopping them and offering information to those that are injured and informing them and my self of the rights we have it you could please E-mail me at my name is rick

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