Re: Kevin Mannix calls injured workers criminals?

Author Subject: Re: Kevin Mannix calls injured workers criminals?
R Lane Posted At 10:17:17 07/23/2000

I have patients who were caught up in this workman's comp through no fault of their own. I saw how it changed them. Bubbly, happy-go-lucky people became bitter, disillusioned, and suicidal over the cruel and inhumane treatment they were given by ruthless and greedy insurance companies and a thoughtless and insensitive government that simply doesn't care.

I found this forum through the Anyone But Kevin Mannix Web site and discovered them through an OPB radio show. I wish to congratulate all of you for your work on behalf of all Oregonians. Keep your spirits high for you shall overcome your oppressors. The truth is mightier than the sword.

I sent this to OPB after viewing their distasteful attack on your fine efforts.


You have lost all journalistic integrity with your hit-piece on Anybody But Kevin Mannix. This was not impartial reporting but an advertisement for Kevin Mannix. I spent over an hour at this web site and read much of the site's content. Since there were links to everything reported how can quantify the following statements you made:

He’s formed a political action committee and has a web, which pillories and blasts the candidate. appears to be the first web site in Oregon politics devoted entirely to skewering a candidate.

Since when are facts, whether they be Mannix's legislative record or his own words, "pillories," "blasts," and "skewering."

What is wrong with you people. There was no objectivity in your reporting. You owe these people a public apology. I will visit your webpage on this story each week to look for it. Until I see it, count my family, our practice, and I as ex-viewers and ex-contributors.

R Lane, DDS

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