Re: injured workers million man and women march

Author Subject: Re: injured workers million man and women march
Carole Posted At 17:51:44 07/26/2000
Dear Rick,
I would like you to know that I spoke with Senator Dyer in person last August and was allowed only 15 minutes to state my case. Which in itself was absurd. Said that he had many complaints about Workers'Comp and was hoping to try and change things. He also said he would be willing to call people for this past legislative session about what we were experiencing with Workers' Comp. I really do not know if that is the case or how one goes about finding out what he actually presented at this last session. I have never received a response from him. I also sent letters to Gov Bush (which you stated above does not believe in workers'rights, but I had to try anyway) the Judge of Compensation in Orange County, Julie Douthit of the Oversight Board, Secretary Hooks, Chief Judge Shirley Walker and a few others. So far I received a message from the Employee Assistance Office only and was told that nothing can be done about my situation. The person I spoke with said the only option I had was to call the AMA and the Bar Association. So I will keep pursuing any avenue that may have cause to help. Any help at this point would greatly be appreciated.
Luck to all of us.

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