Re: injured workers million man and women march

Author Subject: Re: injured workers million man and women march
Rick S Posted At 20:24:04 07/26/2000
Just keep fighting for our rights there are some of us who aren't giving up, abd I for one will not quit the government, and Judges, and other State reps. need to be voted out of office. I hace to say that Jeb bush and his brother are the first ones that have to go they are for sure not for the people in the long run there for them selfs. Carole I believe if we keep pushing the issues and hang in there thru this what seems to be a never ending battle will all come out in the lead to help those that aren't strong enough to continue in our fight against dead beat workers comp. adjusters and insurance companies and Big business. IF you can also talk to people about signing a petition for all our rights it will help we just need to keep the faith. I've got admit that some times with out Gods help I would never make it with this trash that destroyes our live. Carole my wife and I will pray for you daily and also ask our church to pray with us for your healing, Carole I want you to know that I won't preach to you just hold you up in pray and only share with you if you are open. lets win this fight together. I don't want to get any ones hopes up just for the fact that I'm new at this and I'm doing this at trail and error so hang in there we will win this fight together. Oh one more thing the e-mail address I gave had an error in it the correct email address for my attorney is so if you would pass it on. I would change it but I don't know how, thank you so much for your time Rick Sartor

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