Re: all you injured workers that are whiners ( stop whining and start fighting for your rights you all sound like a bunch of AA members

Author Subject: Re: all you injured workers that are whiners ( stop whining and start fighting for your rights you all sound like a bunch of AA members
IWA Posted At 13:20:13 07/30/2000
Your other two identical postings were deleted. We have done the same when others did so accidently.
Your efforts are admirable and will help many. I do though have to disagree with the "whiner" label you place on others since the vast majority of messages here provide information or answer earlier postings. Also, as the words on top of the main page indicate, this forum was set up so injured workers would have a place to release (vent) their frustations.
Organized injured workers have accomplished much in the past two years but I can see where those who haven't been directly involved in those efforts can see otherwise. Concrete and obvious results will be seen by all when the legislature meets next year.
I agree with your statement that not enough workers, injured or otherwise, have stepped forward to fix this system. I believe that it comes down to that most people find corruption so rampant in government that they can't find a reason to participate or feel it's useless to try. THIS SIMPLY ISN'T TRUE. Injured worker advocates HAVE made a positive difference.

Take care Rick and keep up the good work.

IWA Advocate
Rick S Re: all you injured workers that are whiners ( stop whining and start fighting for your rights you all sound like a bunch of AA members (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 05:54:49 08/01/2000

thank you for your remarks. There is one thing that I don't undersatand in one of your remarks, you stated THIS SIMPLY ISN"T TRUE. What the goverment statement. could you explain your thoughts please.

Thank you
Rick S

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