Re: Dr. Jose Ochoa

Author Subject: Re: Dr. Jose Ochoa
Del Posted At 13:56:28 07/30/2000
We have had several inquiries about this person including two investigating his activities. I cannot reveal them here for obvious reasons.

Ochoa was/is affiliated with Legacy Good Samaritan in Portland.

I did an advanced Internet search on the last request and came up with these links: (about 1/3 down the page)

Here's an informative article on IME's
That same folder has other articles relating to IME's.

I hope this helps.
Cheryl Re: Dr. Jose Ochoa (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:02:47 04/10/2001

EEEKKK....I am scheduled for an IME with this doctor. Please, please let me know anything you know about this doctor. This is related to a work-comp IME.
w patient Re: Dr. Jose Ochoa (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 21:51:39 04/25/2001

I had an IME by this man in 1994. Some IME - I had to sign a release that he could publish any of the results. I should have pursued legal action, but, with RSD who has the energy??? It did my heart so much good to receive his report - he had to conclude that I did indeed have RSD. Wow - what a doc - I had studied the subject when I was first diagnosed 12/93 because I didn't want to believe I had RSD. Sure, enough I could go through the textbook checklists. My surgeon and OT worked very hard with me. I was diligent in my therapy regimen and declined pain meds. When Ochoa saw me it was Sept. 1994. One of his associates did most of the exam and there was a language difficulty. Anything that did not fit what they wanted to hear was not recorded. My WC carrier paid close to $6,000 for a worthless exam. I was subjected to numerous tests and then sent on my way (the last test involved an injection that cause my heart to race - I thought it was going to pound out of my chest!). Ochoa's exam was designed to fit his predetermined ideas (conclusions). His scientific methods are laughable. Oh yeah, for the record he noted that I was a good historian (yes I do remember specific events and dates). Anyway, good luck in exposing the failures of this guy - he probably causes some harm to innocent hurting people.

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