Re: Petition the legislative committee,and the govenment on injured workers right and fair settlements, medical, Etc.

Author Subject: Re: Petition the legislative committee,and the govenment on injured workers right and fair settlements, medical, Etc.
Rick S Posted At 19:09:07 08/06/2000
First of all know one is attacking anyone. And second you need to read the whole message not just the title, so don't be judgemental for my efforts in getting someones attention in tyring to use it for just getting people to read the real effords in making a change for the better. Also don't forget I'm also one of the injured workers that is injured and if you know any thing about Florida, California,Washington,Oregon, And Texas. are the worst States for workers copmpensation rights to the victims. Let me add that I'm very awear of all the states cheap way of helping the injured workers, it all amounts to a big FAT ZERO. Those that are in the insurance companies are the ones that seem to benifit not the injured workers. So please inform yourself before downing something that I'm trying to do to get people to change their state of mine from whining to getting up and hleping make the changes themselfs you can baby everyone and they'll never want to help themselves or you can present the facts of what are they doing to help in signing petitions. So if you want to stop me go ahead. But let the ones know that wanted to continue to complain go ahead but when I succeed at trying to changing the laws tell the negative one don't put their hands out for something they didn't want to put a helping hand in.

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