Great Benifit

Author Subject: Great Benifit
Tarzan Posted At 10:48:50 08/07/2000
So we don't forget, John Grisham (The Client) Danny DeVito, Clair Danes, Mat Damon.

The must see movie for the broke down and down troden.

Great Benifit is the street surance company, denying a young man who needs a bone-marrow transplant.

So Great Benifit in my case is Liberty NW, Great Benifit for you, could be any number of street surance company's.

Or Worthless Comp. Companies.

Like a bad slot machine, they just don't pay off.

If you expect to get your medical paid, and some kind of decent job, then be prepared for WAR. They will deny until the cows come home.

Corporate Lawyers, and IME Pseudodoctors. The socalled expert witness's.
And they can B.S. you with survalance.

If they can make a liar out of you then they can deny your claim on those grounds.
iris Re: Great Benifit (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 04:32:10 08/14/2000

new anti-stalking laws are giving insurance detective spies a legal problemlately i

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