LA Times article exposes wc insurance company fraud

Author Subject: LA Times article exposes wc insurance company fraud
BobK Posted At 03:29:48 08/09/2000
Published 8/6/00. Read it at:

A second article was published 8/7/00, providing some history of wc
during the nineties. Both are excellent.
BobK Re: LA Times article exposes wc insurance company fraud (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 03:37:38 08/09/2000

The 8/7/00 article is at:
Michael Speer Re: LA Times article exposes wc insurance company fraud (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 15:19:17 08/09/2000

This Times article(s) was one of the best that I have read. It describes quite accurately my personal experience in dealing with the DA's office, the Commissioner's Office , and the Department of Insurance , fraud division. I have always been kind of a document nut and believe that I have had a legitimate legal case against ITT Hartford and Fremont Insurance Companies for joining my former employer in perpetrating fraudulent concealment of my claimed injuries and their treatment in regards to employment.What I have found in both the Superior Court and the WCAB court is out-and-out corruption by the judges themselves!
I filed complaints on both of the judges which must be based upon the six cannons that the judiciary theoretically operates under. In both complaints, I sent over one hundred pages of evidence. For example I discovered that the WCAB judge had not paid his dues to the Bar and was in fact practicing law without a valid license.Every fundamental rule for determining if due process were broken and/or ignored by this same judge. The Ethics Committee and the Judicial Performance group replied in similar fashion by saying that I had not been 'specific' enough.The Ethics Committee also informed me that , by the Cannons, ANY irregularity was OK !
I have estimated that we have lost over $400,000.00 in property and benfits over the past five years. It was our belief in our system that was behind our putting everything on the line in our unsuccessful battle. It is only now that I believe that anarchy has to be right arond the corner. Realistically we should have paid off the right people, just like the insurers do and we might have been money ahead. ha ha
What is very disturbing to me is the loss of our belief in both the legal system and the law enforcement systems. They are nothing short of bad jokes. If the Federal government doesn't put a halt to this, who knows where it will all lead. thank you again for your great article. mike & Sandi Speer
Webmaster Re: LA Times article exposes wc insurance company fraud (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 20:58:32 08/09/2000

I have the story on the home page.
I am currently working on the second article to this Important story.

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