Re: all you injured workers that are whiners ( stop whining and start fighting for your rights you all sound like a bunch of AA members

Author Subject: Re: all you injured workers that are whiners ( stop whining and start fighting for your rights you all sound like a bunch of AA members
Caroline, founder of TIES Posted At 15:15:24 08/10/2000
Rick, I too agree with much of what you say. As a matter of fact I try to have a positive note to the news letter Labor Pains each writing, but I also encourage people TO CALL OR E MAIL ME PERSONALLY because we are all people and our lives have been walked on, our self-esteem beaten, etc. and people do need a place to vent. That is why I am here, to give people that oppertunity. Though this is truly a legal battle, we must keep in mind that its people we are dealing with, and it's thier self-respect I'd like to help restore. We all need to have our story told without being put down, turned off, or disbelieved. I think you are a great fighter, but I hope my fight to help others regain dignity as a person so they can fight too is useful if we are to all hang in. build in number and get things done. I cannot or will not forget we are dealing with PEOPLE, or I would be acting just like the WC system, to dehumanize us and shut us up. Caroline.

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