Re: Petition the legislative committee,and the govenment on injured workers right and fair settlements, medical, Etc.

Author Subject: Re: Petition the legislative committee,and the govenment on injured workers right and fair settlements, medical, Etc.
Carole Posted At 19:33:06 08/13/2000
Right now I am in North Carolina. I moved here after my settlement. If I have to go back to Florida for any to hear about are "experiences" I will. I went through Orlando Hand Surgery Assoc. -- Dr White was my doctor. Please don't worry about your attorney. Thought we had something there,
but it doesn't surprise me. I am going to e-mail the governor tomorrow. Are there other people you know in your area that is going through the same thing? I am trying to see if there are any advocate groups there. There was a post on another board from "Uknown" and was asking about any groups. My attorney was an "advocate", however I thought he meant for workers. Never assume!!. I am not giving up either and hope you do not. This is so important to so many people. So say a prayer.


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